The song 'Nightmare,' by Halsey, did not go mainstream upon release for a reason. To start with, 'Nightmare' is a work mostly compiled of rock, trap and R&B, all of which, combined, express her anger towards society and the treatment of women and minorities in America as inferior citizens.
The song, 'Nightmare,' really is a vocalized portrayal of a nightmare, one that is fueled by anger and resentment towards what the world has come to today. It opens with an old Christian prayer, originally published in 1750, that was commonly used as a lullaby (Genius). The contrast between the introduction, and the rest of the song is quite ironic, especially being that the lyrics throughout the piece and the rock inspired vocals are anything but wholesomely traditional. Additionally, the transition between each verse and the chorus is very abrupt, it goes directly from a trap inspired beat, straight to the rock inspired drums and vocals (Rolling Stone). The only thing that remains almost entirely consistent throughout the song are Halsey's enraged lyrics that invoke great feelings of empowerment that emphasize the real statement of the piece as a whole.
Halsey's distressed tone of voice suggests nothing but a demand for change, and it's definitely no secret that Halsey is "tired and angry... but somebody should be."